FBI And USSS Fail To Protect Trump From Threats

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 6 hours ago


New revelations have emerged indicating that the FBI and the United States Secret Service (USSS) fell short of their obligations to protect former President Donald Trump from multiple assassination attempts.

According to a comprehensive report by Empower Oversight, the misconduct within these federal agencies is deeply rooted in a troubling politicization that has transformed them into tools of an agenda rather than bastions of public safety.

The findings are alarming.

This report unveiled how high-ranking officials in the FBI exploited their positions to undermine Trump, a fact that conservative citizens have long suspected but was often dismissed as conspiracy.

For instance, the case of Marcus Allen, a decorated FBI agent, exemplifies the troubling atmosphere within the bureau.

Upon expressing concerns regarding the FBI's actions during significant events like the Black Lives Matter protests and the January 6 Capitol incident, Allen's career was irreparably harmed. He faced retaliation due to his conservative views, including the suspension of his security clearance, which was later followed by his termination.

The process surrounding Allen's case highlighted a blatant disregard for constitutional rights, as promotions within the FBI increasingly favored individuals whose allegiance appeared to align with the Democrat agenda.

Additional details from the report regarding the USSS are equally disheartening.

Around the time of a key Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, reports surfaced indicating that the Secret Service failed to deploy vital security measures, despite credible intelligence regarding assassination threats.

This summer, the agency overlooked the opportunity to mitigate risks, including not sending sniper units for protection at critical events, raising concerns about their commitment to safeguarding Trump.

The lack of diligence is stark, particularly when Congressional representatives, like Senator Rand Paul, demand accountability for these lapses.

The fact that individuals directly responsible for these oversights continue to hold positions of authority raises questions about whether the agencies are truly capable of delivering impartial and effective security.

In light of these revelations, the actions of both the FBI and the USSS warrant serious scrutiny.

As America moves closer to the upcoming election and tensions rise, it is imperative that every citizen demands that their rights and security are prioritized, regardless of political affiliations.

It is unacceptable for any American citizen, whether they be a Republican or a Democrat, to feel endangered by the very institutions established to protect them.

The path forward requires transparency and accountability from our government, particularly from agencies that should never blur the lines of political partisanship.


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