CIA Meddling in 2020 Election: Heads Must Roll

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

A new congressional report has revealed that the CIA meddled in the 2020 election to boost Joe Biden's campaign. According to the report, 51 former intelligence operatives signed a letter dismissing Hunter Biden's infamous laptop as likely "Russian disinformation" aimed at helping Donald Trump. This move muzzled the New York Post's exposé, as every major social media platform locked down in unison to make sure the story didn't gain any ground.

The report also revealed that the highest officials within the CIA were aware of the statement prior to its publication. Some of the statement's signatories were on active contract with the CIA at the time they issued the statement to discredit damaging allegations about Biden family influence peddling. This revelation raises concerns that these officials may have abused their positions to expedite the statement's approval and may have been earning taxpayer dollars while they did it.

The congressional report has sparked outrage among Trump supporters, who have been on to this charade for a long time. They watched as their party sat back, let the fraud slide by, and are only now acting outraged for Twitter clicks and Hannity appearances. The base is enraged, demanding GOP accountability and immediate action. No more games—it's time for heads to roll.

The response to the Judiciary Committee has been explosive. American voters, utterly betrayed by the corrupt and twisted uniparty and utterly abandoned by the very representatives they elected, have unleashed their full righteous wrath on the GOP. They have demanded that those responsible for the interference be held accountable and stripped of security clearance.

The report underscores the risks posed by a weaponized federal government. The signatories' decision to leverage their former intelligence community titles to promote a narrative about foreign election interference improperly embroiled the Agency in domestic politics. This report underscores the potential dangers of a politicized intelligence community.

The American people have been duped once again by the intelligence and media, who are cozy in bed with the uniparty regime. Those who called foul on the 2020 election were demonized, just like they were demonized when they called out the COVID/jab nonsense and the Russia hoax. The ugly truth is that our intelligence and media are cozy in bed with the uniparty regime, and once again, they have rigged a US election.

The GOP had the chance to intervene when it mattered most but chose to stand by with their thumbs up their backside and do absolutely nothing. The American people are seething with anger at the entire government, including the do-nothing GOP, who had the chance to intervene when it mattered most but chose to stand by with their thumbs up their backside and do absolutely nothing.


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