Trump Triumphs in Debate: Voters Concerned Over Biden's Fitness

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

Former President Donald Trump emerges as clear winner in recent presidential debate, according to new poll.

A survey of 500 registered voters by Schoen Cooperman Research found that 51% of voters who watched or were familiar with the debate believed Trump won, compared to just 23% who said Biden triumphed.

Trump's performance was deemed "more presidential" than Biden's, and he made strides in allaying voter fears about his fitness for office.

Nearly three-quarters of voters said they left the debate "more concerned" about Biden's "age and fitness to be president."

On the other hand, 39% of voters were more concerned about Trump's being "chaotic, out of control, and not having the right character to be president" — while 30% said they were now less concerned about this issue following the debate.

The poll found that Trump made strides in allaying voter fears about his fitness for office — while Biden exacerbated them.

Despite Trump's overwhelming victory at the podium, the fundamental contours of the race appeared to be mostly unchanged. Among those polled, 47% said they plan to support Trump, while 43% would vote for Biden.

A critical 10% of voters said they either weren't sure or didn't plan to vote.

The numbers mirror the narrow leads Trump had opened in polling before the debates.

The Shoen-Cooperman survey contained more bad news for Biden.

A full 50% of voters said they were "much more likely to vote" as a result of the debate. And while more voters than not viewed both candidates poorly, Biden's negatives were higher than Trump's, with 53% of voters saying they had an "unfavorable" opinion of Biden to just 50% for Trump.

"Trump is the clear winner of the debate as he was able to both improve perceptions of him and exceed expectations of how he would perform. Critically, he did much better at neutralizing his biggest weakness — appearing chaotic and out of control — while Biden’s performance exacerbated concerns about his age and fitness to serve as President," pollster Carly Cooperman told The Post.

The poll was split evenly with 36% of respondents each identifying as either Democrat or Republican. Another quarter said they were "independent."

The survey followed a similar study taken after the debate by CNN which showed Trump dominating his rival on the network.

President Biden has faced growing calls to drop out of the race, something he has vowed not to do. In a post on Truth Social Saturday, Trump — never bashful about self-praise — called his own performance "the greatest debate performance in the long and storied history of Presidential Debates."

The Trump campaign is eyeing Washington state following President Biden's disastrous performance during Thursday night's presidential debate. Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller made a bold statement: "Washington state may now be in play."

Miller told KIRO Newsradio that "President Trump delivered the greatest performance in debate history. Millions of Americans have now been reminded what a real leader looks like and have had their hope restored that we can turn around our economy and secure our southern border."

Miller, who was previously involved in Trump's 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns, joined Trump's 2024 presidential campaign in 2023.

While Washington state hasn't voted to elect a Republican presidential candidate since the 1984 election of Ronald Reagan, in part due to the Democrat stronghold of Seattle, many purple counties are also present.

In recent years, Washington state residents have shifted away from supporting progressive policies. Seattle voted out most of its progressive city council members and replaced them with moderates last election cycle.

Former GOP candidate for Governor Dino Rossi lost to former Democrat Gov. Christine Gregoire by only 129 votes in 2004. The race was highly contested after Rossi was in the lead until Gregoire "miraculously" pulled ahead. Over one million people in Eastern Washington did not vote in that election. Had they voted, a Republican governorship could have been possible, analysts said at the time.

With Democrats in a panic following the debate and Washington state on a downward spiral, the Trump campaign could potentially pick up more ground in states that were previously not in play.

Miller said any potential move by the Democrat Party to replace President Biden as the nominee would be "structurally impossible."

"Sorry, Democrats," said Miller. "You have your nominee."


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