WSJ editorial board argues the FBI, DOJ must apply the 'Clinton Standard' to Trump


The Wall Street Journal editorial board argued Sunday that former President Trump should be held to the same standards as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

They said that the Department of Justice set a precedent by declining to prosecute Clinton in 2016 for her mishandling of classified emails, and hence, attempting to similarly prosecute Trump would be an unequal application of the law.

"When Jim Comey held his July 2016 press briefing on Hillary Clinton’s emails, his conclusion was this: ‘Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,’" the editors recalled.

"In other words, Mrs. Clinton could have been indicted but wasn’t. That ended the Clinton email saga as a legal matter—with a lecture but without a prosecution," the editors wrote.

The editorial board described this as "an outrageous usurpation by the FBI director, whose role was to investigate and turn the evidence over to a U. S. Attorney or the Attorney General to decide on prosecution."

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Submitted 672 days ago

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