Biden's Policies Allow ISIS to Regain Dangerous Power

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 9 days ago

**Resurgence of ISIS: A Consequence of Biden's Policies**

In what can only be described as a troubling resurgence of ISIS, seven American soldiers were injured in a recent counterterrorism operation in Iraq.

This unfortunate incident marks a stark contrast to the previous administration's success in largely dismantling the terror organization.

During his term, President Trump effectively eradicated ISIS, achieving unprecedented stability in the region.

Under Trump's leadership, ISIS was reduced to a shadow of its former self, with the group losing its last strongholds and territory.

However, since the Biden-Harris administration took office, reports indicate a dangerous revitalization of ISIS, evident in the recent uptick in attacks in Iraq and Syria.

According to Central Command, the number of attacks claimed by ISIS is on track to double in 2024 compared to previous years.

The situation poses a significant risk, not only internationally but here at home as well.

With the Biden administration allowing open borders, concerns arise about the potential infiltration of individuals linked to ISIS into the United States.

A troubling report from the Department of Homeland Security disclosed that over 400 illegal immigrants linked to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network entered the country, with more than 50 of those individuals currently unaccounted for.

This administration's negligence fosters an environment where terror organizations, once on the brink of defeat, can thrive once again.

The facts paint a grim picture: under Biden, ISIS has not only regained its footing overseas but is also finding ways to threaten American lives domestically.

Previous efforts to secure American interests abroad have been undermined, highlighting the ramifications of hasty foreign policy decisions.

The lack of a coherent strategy from the current administration further exacerbates the volatility of already fragile regions.

As a reminder of the consequences of the Afghan withdrawal debacle, which was heavily influenced by the current Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the Biden administration’s approach has left many unanswered questions and significant dangers in its wake.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee is set to subpoena Blinken to shed light on this disastrous withdrawal, emphasizing the need for accountability in our foreign policy decisions.

As the situation in Iraq continues to deteriorate, one must wonder what the future holds for America's standing on the world stage.

Imagine the repercussions if the U.S. were to experience another four years of policies that appear to facilitate the rise of terrorism.

In contrast to Trump's proven record of defeating ISIS, current leadership has shown a distinct lack of capability and foresight in handling foreign threats.

With the stakes higher than ever, it becomes imperative for the American public to pay attention to the rapid changes unfolding in the global landscape and the leadership that is necessitated by these challenges.


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