Anti-Trump Influencer Unwittingly Boosts Conservative Agenda

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

In a surprising turn of events, an anti-Trump influencer has inadvertently made a case for the former president's policies, highlighting the appeal of his conservative agenda to many Americans.

The influencer, who has not been named, discussed Trump's "Project 2025" and "Agenda 47" in a viral video, expressing concern over policy proposals such as closing the Department for Education and returning educational standards to state-level, criminalizing race-based advantage programs, banning gender-affirming care, and prohibiting federal money from being used on it.

However, the influencer's fears have only served to highlight the popularity of these policies among conservative voters, who have long advocated for greater state control over education, an end to affirmative action programs, and restrictions on federal funding for gender-affirming care.

Trump's policies have been a cornerstone of his political career, and his third consecutive effort to secure the White House has been markedly different from his previous campaigns. While he emerged as a rank outsider in 2016, his 2020 campaign focused solely on his successes as President of the United States.

In 2024, Trump has faced challenges from within his own party, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley criticizing him for what they see as damage inflicted on the GOP. However, the former president has all-but secured the party nomination comparatively early in the electoral cycle.

The influencer's video has sparked debate among conservatives, with many expressing support for Trump's policies and questioning why anyone should be concerned about them. The incident highlights the ongoing divide between conservative and liberal voters, and the challenges facing Democrats as they seek to unseat Trump in the upcoming election.

In other news, Trump's campaign has raised $331 million in the second quarter, topping the $264 million raised by President Joe Biden's campaign and its Democratic allies in the same period. The Trump campaign said it added $111.8 million in June and has $284.9 million in cash on hand, while Biden's team has $240 million in cash on hand.

The fundraising figures include donations to the Biden campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and joint fundraising committees. Trump's campaign said its fundraising operation continues to thrive alongside growing voter enthusiasm for the Republican candidate.

The news comes as Biden's team seeks to show fundraising strength after the president's widely panned debate performance against Trump. Thursday was the best day of fundraising from small-dollar or grassroots donors to the campaign, followed by Friday, when concern about the debate was causing waves of panic through Democratic circles.

In the second quarter, 95% of donations to Biden's campaign were less than $200, a point the campaign underscored as broad support from average Americans instead of heavy reliance on wealthy donors.

The fundraising figures are a key indicator of voter enthusiasm and support for each candidate, and will be closely watched as the election approaches. With Trump's campaign outraising Biden's in the second quarter, the former president appears to be gaining momentum as he seeks to regain the White House.


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