Trump Gains Edge Over Biden in Virginia, Minnesota: Polls

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 6 days ago

Breaking news: Trump Gains Slight Lead Over Biden in Virginia and Minnesota

According to recent polling data, former President Donald Trump has gained a slight lead over President Joe Biden in Virginia and Minnesota. This marks a significant shift in these traditionally blue states, which have not been won by a Republican candidate in decades.

Trump leads Biden by 0.2% in Virginia and 1.6% in Minnesota, according to Decision Desk HQ/@thehill's latest polling averages. This comes after a recent poll from McLaughlin and Associates showed Trump tied with Biden in Virginia.

While polling numbers should be taken with a grain of salt and things could change between now and November, these numbers indicate that these states are becoming more competitive. This is a cause for concern for the Biden team, who do not want these states to be anywhere near competitive.

It is important to note that these poll numbers are from after the sham conviction in New York. This conviction has not deterred Trump supporters, and in fact, may have even galvanized them.

Alarm bells should be going off at the Biden White House. If these numbers are even close to accurate, it means that Trump is gaining ground in states that were once considered solidly blue. This could have major implications for the upcoming election.

In other news, the Biden administration is under fire for its handling of the situation in Israel. The administration has been waiving sanctions on Iran, providing the regime with billions of dollars that fund, arm, and sponsor terrorist organizations including Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Houthis.

This has allowed Iran to further its agenda with Qatar, Hamas and Hezbollah, increasing their ability to conduct aggressive actions against Israel and the US. It has also allowed Iran to form a new axis with Russia and Communist China, seriously jeopardizing the Free World.

The Biden administration has also been pressuring Israel to exercise restraint and not retaliate while facing escalating threats from these very enemies. This is akin to asking the United States, after the 9/11 attacks, to leave Al Qaeda untouched and allow it to remain in power.

The result has been that Iran's proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon is now engaged in unremittingly raining down rockets, attack drones and guided missiles throughout Israel's north. The Biden administration might not even have asked the Iranian regime to order its other terrorist proxy Hezbollah to stop.

When Iran itself, and not a terrorist proxy, launched an unprecedented missile and drone attack against Israel from Iranian soil on April 13, 2024, the assault was an act of war. Instead of supporting Israel's right to defend itself against coordinated and sustained attacks, the Biden administration's public wavering suggests a pro-terrorist shift in US policy away from Israel.

This shift represents a betrayal that leaves Israel in the no-win position of either rejecting US proposals, or allowing Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis and other Iranian-backed terrorist groups to keep trying to advance their goal of ultimately destroying Israel.

While Russian warships, including a nuclear submarine, this week docked in Cuba, and with China building a major deep-water port in Peru that could serve the Chinese military, the US administration is pressuring only Israel to allow the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas to win the war it launched against Israel on October 7.

This policy muddle raises serious questions about the reliability of the United States as a steadfast ally. By not taking decisive action to support Israel, the administration is also sending a warning of inconsistency and weakness to all prospective allies, and encouraging them to rely on America's adversaries instead.

The consequences of this approach are unfortunately far-reaching. They affect not only the immediate security of Israel but also the credibility of the United States on the global stage, the broader stability of the region, and the very preservation of the US, which is currently being encircled by enemies.

The "ring of fire" strategy -- apparently expanded to the hostile axis of Russia, China and Iran -- is now coiling around the US, as well as installing potential fighters and saboteurs "inside the gates."

Allies, such as Israel and Ukraine, depend on military assurance in times of crisis -- not airy promises before and after them -- to know they will not be left to stand alone.

The financial resources that Iran gains from waived sanctions, and channels into furthering its agenda with Qatar, Hamas and Hezbollah, simply increase their ability to conduct aggressive actions against Israel and the US, destabilize the region -- and with its new Russian and Communist Chinese axis -- seriously jeopardize the Free World.

In other news, U. S. Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) has claimed that she performed multiple miracles and cured illnesses as a religious faith healer, according to her autobiography. Bush is one of the most far-left representatives in Congress and a member of "The Squad."

Bush wrote in her autobiography that she had the confidence to heal others with God's power. She told the story of an ailing toddler she met during a prayer service in St. Louis, who she claimed she cured of her inability to walk. She also claimed to have cured a woman who was suffering from a number of tumors.

Bush has long been affiliated with a faith-healing church in Missouri, whose lead pastor claimed that he cured the congresswoman of coronavirus through faith healing in 2021.

Bush is currently locked in a tight primary election battle against Wesley Bell, the prosecuting attorney of St. Louis. Some polls suggest Bell is ahead by double digits.


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