Biden's Debate Flubs, Hunter's Crimes: A Family of Grifters

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 6 days ago

Here's the latest on the upcoming presidential debates and the Biden family's ongoing scandals.

A recent poll by J. L. Partners revealed that nearly half of likely voters expect President Joe Biden to make embarrassing flubs during his first debate with former President Donald Trump. This includes forgetting where he is, walking off the wrong side of the stage, and struggling to stand up. In contrast, voters expect a domineering performance from Trump and overwhelmingly expect him to emerge as the winner.

The poll results are a reminder of Biden's recent bumbling performances, which have provided ample ammunition for Trump supporters. However, both candidates are aging and have a tendency to speak in meandering sentences. Trump has acknowledged that Biden could benefit from low expectations and a soft media lens.

Meanwhile, the Biden family's scandals continue to make headlines. Hunter Biden, the president's son, was recently found guilty of a serious crime, the least serious crime he has committed in his life of debauchery and depravity. He was his father's bagman, sent around the world to sell American influence in Joe's name for large amounts of money.

The Bidens are a family of grifters, living far beyond the means of a senatorial or vice-presidential salary for decades. Joe Biden has been a thug, a plagiarist, and a criminal for fifty years. He is a pathological liar, as even the New York Times has noted.

The Biden family is profoundly dysfunctional, rife with adultery, drug addiction, promiscuity, alcoholism, and criminality. Joe's affair with Jill broke up her first marriage. Their daughter Ashley's diary revealed the fact that her childhood very possibly included inappropriate behavior by her father that led to her promiscuity and drug use. Hunter was expelled from the Navy for cocaine use.

Now convicted of the crime of lying on a gun-purchase form, will Hunter Biden be actually held accountable? Not likely. He has never been held accountable for his bad behavior in his life. Joe Biden says he will not pardon him, but he can and will commute his sentence with the stroke of that pen he uses so irresponsibly.

Biden, or whoever is actually operating as president, is most likely doing Obama's bidding, fulfilling his "transformation of America" Marxist/communist agenda. The party that is so terrified of a second Trump presidency is terrified because they are guilty of so many crimes against the American people and the Constitution.

Joe Biden is an illegitimate president, and he has been a disaster for the nation from day one. There are no words to describe the damage done by this illicit administration. If we prevail as a republic, he will be forever more known as exactly what he was and is, a man with a greedy, dysfunctional family of grifters.


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