White House mum on whether Biden would send National Guard to Columbia University


Despite multiple efforts on Monday to get an answer from the White House, officials remained silent on the issue of whether President Biden intends to deploy the National Guard to break up anti-Israel protests at Columbia University.

Fox News Digital asked the White House whether it would comment on the situation at Columbia University and if it required federal intervention, but didn't receive any response. The silence comes as hundreds of anti-Israel agitators have mounted disruptive protests at the university's campus in New York City, with some calling for violence against Jews and Jewish students.

"Eisenhower sent the 101st to Little Rock," Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said in a social media post Monday. "It’s time for Biden to call out the National Guard at our universities to protect Jewish Americans."

"The nascent pogroms at Columbia have to stop TODAY, before our Jewish brethren sit for Passover Seder tonight," Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., added. "If Eric Adams won’t send the NYPD and Kathy Hochul won’t send the National Guard, Joe Biden has a duty to take charge and break up these mobs."

Last week, anti-Israel agitators initiated protests, staging what they labeled a "Gaza solidarity encampment" on the Columbia University campus and shutting down a central lawn at the university. The protesters, who erected tents as part of the action, called for hostilities in the Middle East to end and for the university to divest of companies that have ties to Israel.

On Friday, police broke up the demonstration and arrested more than 100 students, charging them with trespassing.

However, more protesters have arrived on the scene since those arrests and have clashed repeatedly with police officers. Some protesters have loudly chanted antisemitic slogans, pledged allegiance to Hamas and even endorsed violence against Jewish people.... (Read more)

Submitted 95 days ago

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