NYC residents in AOC's district furious over 'unbearable' migrant crisis, crime: She 'abandoned' us


Residents of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's district are expressing their anger over the surge of migrants and crime into the Queens, New York City neighborhood, accusing the congresswoman of "abandoning" the people who got her elected.

"Fox & Friends Weekend" co-host Rachel Campos Duffy visited residents in Jackson Heights, in the heart of AOC's district, to speak with concerned voters about how the influx of illegal immigration and crime has impacted their neighborhood.

"Things have just really gone into overdrive. It's unbearable they say," Campos-Duffy told Steve Doocy on Wednesday. "The other thing is just this giant disconnect between what AOC cares about … and what they as a community care about."

"You see AOC obsessed with climate change. They just want the trash… from these illegal vendors…that's piling up, cleaned up," she continued. "They're worried about the public urination by these vendors even in front of children."

The Jackson Heights neighborhood has battled illegal flea markets recently, which has had a detrimental impact on small businesses trying to compete with the ultra-low street prices. Crime in the area has also spiraled out of control, prompting some to fear for their safety.

"There's so much immigration. There's so many Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Mexicans that crossed over… due to Biden," one resident said. He added that crime has surged in the area.

Campos-Duffy translated for many of the Spanish-speaking residents, many of whom told her they haven't felt safe in their district and are desperate for things to change.

"After 7 p.m…. You cannot walk around here," one woman told Campos-Duffy.

"I feel very unsafe, truly. I've had three times someone try to assault me, try to pull… my gold chain," another woman said.

"Brick-and-mortar businesses are suffering a lot," Ramses Frias, a former Democrat who is running for State Assembly District 39, said. "We have a lot of closed doors, a lot of businesses that are just closing every single day because they can't compete with the prices of… the street vendors outside are giving everyone."

Frias previously shot video obtained by Fox News Digital that showed how the once-vibrant community in the Democrat's 14th Congressional District has essentially deteriorated into a large flea market with trash overflowing on street corners, leading to unsavory and unhygienic conditions.... (Read more)

Submitted 128 days ago

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