Kirby apologizes for Biden admin lying about warning the Iraqi government ahead of strikes


White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby apologized Tuesday for falsely claiming last week that Iraqi officials were notified before a series of coordinated airstrikes.

Kirby initially claimed Friday that the bombing of targets related to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) inside Iraqi borders was communicated to national leaders beforehand.

He was forced to retract this claim after State Department deputy spokesman Vedant Patel confirmed this was not accurate and that Iraqi leaders were not informed until after the strikes.

"Iraq, like every country in the region, understood that there would be a response after the deaths of our soldiers. As for this specific response on Friday, there was not a pre-notification," Patel told the press on Monday. "We informed the Iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred."

Kirby released a statement about the confusion the same day, saying he was going off "information that I had been provided at the time."

In a Tuesday press conference, Kirby opened by speaking at length about the false claim.

"I'm sure many of you saw the statement that I issued yesterday correcting what I had said Friday night about pre-notification to Iraqi officials on Friday night before the strikes that we took on facilities related to the Iran-backed militia groups," Kirby told the press. "And I deeply apologize for the error, and I regret any confusion that it caused. It was based on information we had or that it was provided to me in those early hours after the strikes. Turns out that information was incorrect. And I certainly regret the error."... (Read more)

Submitted 170 days ago

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