Pramila Jayapal says Biden caved to 'extremist views' in bipartisan border deal


A leading leftist in the House of Representatives is attacking the Senate’s bipartisan border security deal and is accusing her fellow Democrats, including President Biden, of having "given in" to Republicans.

"I am still reviewing the text of this proposal, which was constructed under Republican hostage-taking and refusal to fund aid for Ukraine without cruelty toward immigrants," Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said in a statement late Sunday.

"However, it is already clear it includes poison pill provisions such as new Title 42-like expulsion authority that will close the border and turn away asylum seekers without due process, a boon to cartels who prey on migrants."

The proposal is aimed at tightening current immigration and asylum laws while also fast-tracking eligible asylum claims. It also would give President Biden and the Department of Homeland Security authority to temporarily shut down the border when it is overwhelmed.

"There is no question that we need significant changes to our immigration system. It is long overdue for modernization to allow for efficient and orderly processing of migrants who seek to come to the United States and to increase legal pathways for work and family visas, refugees, and asylum seekers. However, this proposal includes none of the thoughtful reforms to do that or to actually address the situation at the border in a humane way," Jayapal said.

"Democrats have given in to these extremist views over and over again for 30 years. By refusing to make the structural changes in the Senate needed to pass true reforms, allowing MAGA Republicans to lie to the American public, and declining to stand up and defend immigrant communities, it appears that President Biden and Senate Democrats have fallen into the same trap again."... (Read more)

Submitted 172 days ago

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