Curtis Sliwa slams NYC mayor for shocking migrant attack on NYPD


Former New York City mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa has slammed current New York City Mayor Eric Adams, saying his handling of the illegal migrant crisis and his approach to policing led to two officers being attacked in Times Square over the weekend.

Sliwa blasted the mayor on Hannity Thursday and labeled the mob of migrants who had launched a vicious attack on two NYPD officers as "untouchables," since a number of them were arrested and let loose.

The caught-on-camera attack, in which migrants can be seen kicking officers in the head and back, has sparked widespread condemnation. It took place just steps from the New Amsterdam theater — a popular destination among tourists.

"This all started when our mayor, Eric Adams, swagger man with no plan, invited the illegal aliens in, then put them up in all the hotels in Times Square, where they remain at $400 a night, and now they form gangs," Sliwa said while flanked by members of his Guardian Angels, an unarmed crime-prevention group he established in 1979.

"And so when the police try to move them on from basically jostling and hassling and pick-pocketing people and going into stores and shoplifting, they now resist, they form gangs. You saw the video evidence. They gave a horrific beatdown to two police officers, who didn't have nightsticks, because the mayor took the nightsticks away from the police a long time ago. They were defenseless."

Seven migrants have already been arrested and charged in connection with the attack. Five were released yesterday without bail, and one migrant was caught flipping the middle finger at reporters. The two other migrants are set to appear in court later today.

Sliwa was incensed that several of the migrants had been let back out on the streets.

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office deferred questions over the suspects' deportation statuses to ICE, which did not immediately respond. New York is a sanctuary state, meaning it does not cooperate with ICE.

"Instead of being remanded to jail with no bail and turned over to ICE to be deported, because remember, Joe Biden and Mayorkas paroled them into America, they were cut loose," Sliwa said.

"They're back in the streets to do it again and again. I'm here with the Guardian Angels, and we’re saying ‘Enough of this.’ If the government isn't going to do it in Washington, and the mayor in New York City is not going to deal with these illegal aliens who form gangs, then we, the Guardian Angels, will deal with them. Americans must stand up to this madness."

Jhoan Boada, 22, Darwin Andres Gomez Izquiel, 19, Kelvin Servat Arocha, 19, Juarez Wilson, 21 and Yorman Reveron, 24, were arrested earlier this week on a variety of charges, including assault on a police officer, gang assault, obstructing governmental administration and disorderly conduct.... (Read more)

Submitted 176 days ago

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