Snoop Dogg praises Donald Trump: 'Nothing but love and respect'


A prolific rapper and advocate for equity, Snoop Dogg has had a recent change of tune when it comes to former President Trump.

In a new interview, Snoop Dogg, 52, sang Trump's praises after a long history of condemning the former president and his supporters.

"Donald Trump?…. He ain’t done nothing wrong to me. He has done only great things for me. He pardoned Michael Harris," Snoop Dogg told The Sunday Times.

"So I have nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump."

Michael "Harry-O" Harris, an associate of Death Row Records co-founder Suge Knight and the founder of the label's parent company, Godfather Entertainment, was pardoned in 2021 as one of Trump's final decisions before leaving office. Snoop Dogg was famously signed by the label only to leave later in his career. He acquired it in 2022.

Harris was imprisoned on charges of conspiracy and attempted murder for over three decades. Snoop Dogg praised Trump at the time for his commutation of Harris.

"I love what they did," the rapper told the New York Post. "That's great work for the president and his team on the way out."

The rapper's recent comments are a far cry from the criticism he often sent the former president and his supporters during Trump's tenure in the White House. In a 2017 music video for his song "Lavender," Snoop Dogg depicted Trump as a clown and shot the president in the head.... (Read more)

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Submitted 180 days ago

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