Sen. Tim Scott announces decision to suspend his 2024 presidential campaign


South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott announced he is suspending his 2024 presidential campaign in an appearance on Fox News' "Sunday Night in America" with Trey Gowdy.

"I think the voters, who are the most remarkable people on the planet, have been really clear that they’re telling me, ‘Not now, Tim,’" Scott said.

In addition to ending his campaign, the senator emphasized he has no plans to endorse another candidate in the race for the Republican nomination.

"The best way for me to be helpful is to not weigh in," he said.

Scott also gave a thumbs down to the idea that he could serve as the nominee's running mate on the Republican Party's 2024 national ticket.

"Being vice president has never been on my to-do list," he said.

The news was a surprise to some of the senator's staff as a handful of campaign aides confirmed to Fox News that they were not given a heads-up on Scott's decision ahead of his live appearance Sunday night. But the senator did hold an all-staff call following his interview on the Fox News Channel.

A source in Scott's political circle told Fox News that the move by the senator "was a broad recognition of the state of the race and Tim is not somebody who is in search of a vanity project. He saw how things were transpiring."

Scott, a rising star in the GOP and the only Black Republican in the Senate, launched his presidential campaign in May at an event in North Charleston, South Carolina.

The senator repeatedly showcased his "optimistic, positive message anchored in conservatism."

Scott, standing just a few miles from where he grew up, highlighted that "we live in the land where it is possible for a kid raised in poverty by a single mother in a small apartment to one day serve in the People’s House and maybe even the White House."

The senator told Fox News at the time he was "stunned at the hunger for something positive as long as its anchored in conservatism. As long as you have a backbone."

His positive and uplifting message failed to resonate in a combative GOP presidential nomination race dominated by former President Donald Trump, who is spotlighting his grievances during his third consecutive run for the White House.

Scott's early momentum took a hit at the first GOP presidential primary debate in August, where he avoided the numerous verbal fistfights and rarely enjoyed the glare of the prime-time spotlight.

He told Fox News after the debate that "the loudest voices too often say too little."

While Scott was more aggressive in the second GOP debate in late September, he had fallen further behind Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former ambassador to the United Nations and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who are battling for second place in the Republican primary polls – though still far behind Trump.

Scott struggled to make last week's third debate, but ultimately qualified. He faced a tough task ahead in trying to make the stage at next month's fourth debate, where the donor and polling thresholds to qualify are higher.

Stuck in the low to mid single digits, Scott's campaign announced it was going "all in" on Iowa – which leads off the GOP presidential nominating calendar – at the expense of New Hampshire, which holds the first primary and second overall contest in the Republican schedule.

In a sign of things to come, the Scott-aligned super PAC late last month canceled its massive ad blitz on behalf of the senator's 2024 campaign.

And while Scott launched his campaign with a formidable war-chest – thanks to $22 million left over from his convincing 2022 Senate re-election – his fundraising in the July to September third quarter was anything but impressive.

The senator had $14 million cash left on hand at the end of September. In the spin room following the third GOP debate in Miami, he told Fox News Digital that "we still have the most money of any candidate running for president other than Donald Trump."... (Read more)

Submitted 256 days ago

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