Woman, 54, arrested for hate crime after allegedly ramming Los Angeles synagogue gates


A 54-year-old woman was arrested for a hate crime this week after she allegedly rammed two gates at a Los Angeles-area synagogue with her car.

Tikvah Mottahedeh was taken into custody early Thursday morning on a felony charge, Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department records show.

Mottahedeh was booked into the Van Nuys Jail on $25,000 bail. She was charged with a hate crime and vandalism, according to FOX 11.

In a statement, the Eretz Synagogue Cultural Center of Tarzana said it believes Mottahedeh’s alleged vandalism wasn’t a hate crime.

"Eretz board members believe, that this action, is not an act of Hate Crime or Anti-Semitic, but merely an act of vandalism. Our community still stands as strong as ever, and will preserve through any moment, especially a moment that is as melancholic as this one," the synagogue said.... (Read more)

Submitted 258 days ago

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