Mayor Eric Adams signs bill outlawing weight discrimination in New York City 


Democratic Mayor Eric Adams has banned weight discrimination in New York City, which critics say has lawyers licking their chops.

Adams signed a controversial bill Friday outlawing discrimination based on a person's weight and height in employment, housing and public accommodations.

"I'm a person that believes in health, so when you talk about not discriminating against someone because of their body type, it's not fighting against obesity; it's just being fair," Adams said.

"So I think this is the right thing to do," he continued. "We're going to continue to talk about our progressive health agenda. Science has shown body type is not a connection to if you're healthy or unhealthy, and I think that's a misnomer we are really dispelling."

The city's Commission on Human Rights will investigate weight and height complaints, adding to its more than two dozen other areas of examinations, including race, gender and age.

Critics, meanwhile, have taken aim at the bill, saying it will lead to a field day for lawyers and a barrage of lawsuits.... (Read more)

Submitted 347 days ago

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