Republican-NBC Host Debate FBI Raids


Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan and NBC News Host Chuck Todd had an intense back and forth over the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raiding former President Donald Trump’s home.

Jordan was interviewed by Todd on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday about his planned investigations as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and Chair of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

“When is the FBI just going to stay out of the election process? Just let we the people decide, let the American people decide. In 2016 they spied on Trump’s campaign. 2018 was the Mueller investigation. 2020 they helped suppress the Hunter Biden story. 2022 they raid the home of a former president 91 days before election. Maybe let the American people decide,” Jordan said.

Todd took issue with Jordan’s objection to the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago compound to obtain classified documents.

“This was not some sort of — you paint it as a picture of the FBI did this, this, and this within hours of each other when it was actually a year and a half of Donald Trump not complying with any of the requests from National Archives. A year and a half. This is not some sort of proof that somehow they’ve weaponized and are playing politics over here,” Todd said.... (Read more)

Submitted 543 days ago

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