Musk declares New York Times ‘lobbying firm for far left’ after reportedly ignoring ‘Twitter Files’ story


Twitter owner Elon Musk called The New York Times a "lobbying firm for far left politicians" on Saturday.

The world’s richest man made his comments on Twitter Saturday in response to the claim that the news outlet featured no articles about the revelation of Musk’s "Twitter Files" the morning after they dropped on Twitter.

On Friday evening, Substack journalist Matt Taibbi – with content apparently provided to him from Musk – revealed over Twitter a series of documents and emails revealing the internal communications of Twitter staff debating whether to censor the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story on their platform ahead of the 2020 presidential election, which they ultimately did.

Several emails exposed that Twitter staff engaged in emergency censorship of the story, even though high-level employees were clearly apprehensive of the move. One email revealed that then-Twitter Global Head of Trust and Safety Yoel Roth acknowledged the shakiness of their reasons in squashing the story, but encouraged it anyway, citing the "lessons of 2016."

Fox News Digital reported on other documents posted by Taibbi in his thread, revealing "that Twitter staff had open channels with powerful third parties, including members of both political parties, so that they could flag tweets they deemed problematic and have them ‘handled.’"... (Read more)

Submitted 601 days ago

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