Hillary Clinton says Martha's Vineyard situation is 'literally human trafficking,' no one wants open borders


On Friday, Hillary Clinton agreed with an MSNBC host's assessment that the sending of 50 migrants to Martha's Vineyard was "literally human trafficking" and claimed no one wants "open borders."

Joining "Morning Joe," Clinton concurred with host Joe Scarborough's sharply critical remarks about the move by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, R., which has set off a media firestorm amid the fierce debate over how the country handles illegal immigration. Scarborough repeatedly called it "human trafficking" by DeSantis and accused him of using innocent people as political pawns.

"I think, Joe, you have laid out the craziness of the time in which we’re living where some politicians would rather not only have an issue but exacerbate it to the extent of literally human trafficking, as you said," she said. "So many other Americans — I happen to believe still the majority of Americans — are good-hearted and generous and when people end up on their doorstep in need, they’re going to respond. They’ll feed them and house them and the kids in the AP Spanish class will be let out of high school so they can go and translate. That’s the kind of American spirit that we try to celebrate at the Clinton Global Initiative."

Clinton added that "nobody wants open borders who has any idea of how government and countries work."

"But nobody wants inhumane terrible treatment of human beings either. What we should have been doing is to come together to reform change and better fund the system by which we deal with these issues. But some people, like [Governor Greg Abbott] of Texas, would rather have an issue than be part of a solution," she said.

Conservatives have shot back that the media and Democratic alarm over the situation shows their hypocrisy in not properly dealing with the constant influx of illegal immigrants at the southern border, which have overwhelmed American towns there. DeSantis said this week the panic shows their "virtue signaling is a fraud."... (Read more)

Submitted 723 days ago

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