Dan Rather Roasted Online After Whining About Wave of Exits at CNN


Discredited former CBS News anchor Dan Rather was roasted on social media after he took to Twitter to whine about the recent wave of employees exiting CNN.

The recent changes at the network come as recently installed CEO and Chairman Chris Licht attempts to move CNN away from its far-left partisan coverage.

This past week, CNN White House correspondent John Harwood announced he was exiting the network, following the recent departures of former Reliable Sources left-wing host Brian Stelter and former legal analyst Jeffery Toobin — who infamously masturbated during an October 2020 Zoom meeting with New Yorker and WNYC staffers.

The wave of departures sparked Dan Rather to ask publicly on Twitter why former left-wing employees are exiting CNN. He also implied his displeasure toward Licht and the new direction of the network.

“What is going on at CNN?” Rather asked on Twitter. “It’s a serious question. There is a lot of speculation on directives and motives. What’s really going on? And is it being noticed by the audience?”

What is going on at CNN? It’s a serious question. There is a lot of speculation on directives and motives. What’s really going on? And is it being noticed by the audience?

The former Evening News anchor’s questioning led to social media users roasting Rather, implying that his tweet was oblivious.

“Maybe they’re trying to take a shot at doing actual straight news, Dan. Not that you would know what that is…” replied radio host Pete Mundo.

Maybe they’re trying to take a shot at doing actual straight news, Dan.

Not that you would know what that is…

However, many left-wing users appeared to agree with Rather’s assessment and more abrasively voiced their displeasure at the network’s change of direction, including far-left former MSNBC anchor Keith Olberman.... (Read more)

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Submitted 734 days ago

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