Conservative Group Blasts Biden's Border Policies in TV Ad

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

Conservative group slams Biden's border policies in TV ad to air during CNN debate

A conservative nonprofit group, Building America's Future, has released a hard-hitting advertisement that criticizes President Biden's border policies. The ad, which will air twice during CNN's upcoming debate between Biden and former President Donald Trump, highlights recent high-profile murders of American women allegedly committed by illegal immigrants.

The one-minute ad, titled "Joe Biden's open border – a nightmare for American women," features a female narrator who says, "It just keeps happening. Laken Riley wasn't the first, and in Joe Biden's America, sadly she won't be the last." The ad then shows headlines of murders committed by illegal immigrants, including the case of Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old Maryland woman who was raped and killed in Bel Air.

The alleged murderer, Victor Martinez Hernandez, is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who was already wanted for homicide in his home country. The ad accuses Biden of allowing Hernandez to enter the country and criticizes the president's border policies.

Morin's mother has also criticized the Biden administration's border policies, saying, "It's like they're pretending these immigration problems don't exist and people aren't being harmed and killed by their policies."

The ad will air in seven critical swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Building America's Future has also accused CNN of refusing to run a similar spot during Biden's last State of the Union address.

The ad is a harsh indictment of Biden's border policies and attempts to appeal to both female and swing-state voters. It highlights the concerns of many Americans who feel that the current administration's immigration policies are putting their safety at risk.

The ad is set to air during CNN's first debate of the year, which will take place on Thursday night. The debate will be the first time Biden and Trump have faced off since the 2020 election. It remains to be seen how Biden will respond to the criticism leveled against him in the ad.


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