Biden's Debate Disaster: Fact-Checkers Expose Multiple False Claims

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

President Biden's debate performance raises concerns among Democrats as fact-checkers expose numerous false claims.

During the recent presidential debate, President Joe Biden made several false statements that have since been fact-checked by CNN's Daniel Dale. The analysis revealed a pattern of inaccuracies and misrepresentations, raising concerns among Democrats about Biden's performance.

One of the most notable false claims was Biden's assertion that he was the only president in recent history who did not have any troops dying anywhere in the world. Dale pointed out that this was not true, as troops have indeed died during Biden's presidency.

Biden also misrepresented his insulin pricing policy, claiming that he had put in a $15 per shot cap on insulin in Medicare. In reality, the cap is $35 a month. He also misstated the $200 cap on overall drug spending in Medicare, which is actually $2000 a year.

Biden's claims about border crossings and unemployment rates were also challenged by Dale. The President said that the border now has fewer crossings than when Trump was in office, which Dale said was generally not true. He also corrected Biden's claim about the unemployment rate at the start of his presidency, stating that it was actually 6.4%, not 15%.

Dale also addressed Biden's statements about Trump's policy proposals and endorsements. Biden claimed that Trump wants to get rid of social security, which is not true. He also misstated the tax rate for billionaires and falsely claimed that Trump told Americans to inject bleach amid COVID.

The fact-checking by CNN underscores the importance of fact-based reporting in political discourse. The numerous false claims made by Biden during the debate have raised concerns among Democrats, with some fearing that Biden may be "toast" in the upcoming election.

As the election approaches, it remains to be seen how these false claims will impact Biden's campaign. However, one thing is clear: fact-checking is more important than ever in ensuring that voters have accurate information when making their decisions.


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