Trump Tops Dems: Poll Shows Stronger Performance Against Potential Rivals

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 1 day ago

A recent poll conducted by Data for Progress suggests that Donald Trump would fare better against several potential Democratic candidates should Joe Biden be replaced on the ticket. The poll, which surveyed over 1,000 people, found that Trump would beat out California Governor Gavin Newsom, Vice President Kamala Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, Senator Amy Klobuchar, and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro in hypothetical elections.

The poll's results come amid growing concerns about Biden's cognitive abilities and his halting debate performance. While Biden has not indicated any plans to bow out of the race, experts have suggested that it would be possible but unlikely for the Democratic Party to replace him on the ticket. The process would be complicated and could lead to a loss of a united front ahead of the slated vote for nominees at their convention in August.

The Democratic National Committee's official procedures for the convention give the committee the authority to choose a new candidate if either member of the ticket dies or withdraws. Biden also has the power to release all the pledged delegates he has accumulated, which would allow them to vote for whomever they chose. However, such a move would lead to an open convention, something unseen in today's state of politics.

The poll's results are likely to be welcomed by Trump and his supporters, who have long argued that the president would be able to beat any Democratic candidate in a head-to-head matchup. However, it remains to be seen whether the poll's findings will have any impact on the Democratic Party's decision-making process.

In other news, a recent report has suggested that US allies in Europe are dismayed and scared by Biden's cognitive decline, which was on full display during the debate against Trump. The report, which was published by The Gateway Pundit, cited sources who said that Biden's halting performance had raised concerns about his ability to lead the country.

The report also noted that the Polish new liberal government had been exceptionally frank in addressing the issue, with Poland's Foreign Minister taking to Twitter to comment on Biden's performance. "It's important to manage one's ride into the sunset," the minister wrote, in a thinly veiled reference to Biden's age and cognitive abilities.

The report's findings are likely to add to the growing sense of unease about Biden's candidacy, which has been dogged by concerns about his health and mental fitness. While Biden has dismissed these concerns as "ridiculous" and "absurd," they are likely to continue to be a major issue in the run-up to the election.

Finally, a recent investigation by Paul Sperry has raised concerns about the potential for another terrorist attack on the US homeland, similar to 9/11. Sperry, who spoke to Steve Bannon on his WarRoom podcast, claimed that James Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence, had allowed Al Qaeda cells to enter the US.

Sperry also alleged that Clapper had fabricated Russian intelligence to sway US presidential debates in favor of Democrats. According to Sperry, Clapper repeated this tactic in 2020, generating more fake Russian intelligence to aid Joe Biden against Trump.

Sperry's claims are likely to be met with skepticism by some, given his history of promoting conspiracy theories. However, they are likely to add to the growing sense of unease about the state of US national security, which has been a major issue in the run-up to the election.

In conclusion, the latest polls and reports suggest that Trump would fare better against several potential Democratic candidates should Biden be replaced on the ticket. However, it remains to be seen whether the poll's findings will have any impact on the Democratic Party's decision-making process. Meanwhile, concerns about Biden's cognitive abilities and the potential for another terrorist attack on the US homeland are likely to continue to be major issues in the run-up to the election.


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