Trump Dominates Swing States: Economist Predicts Massive Lead Post-Debate

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

The Economist releases post-debate swing state predictions, showing a massive lead for Trump

The Economist has released their post-debate swing state predictions based on polling, and the results are devastating for the Biden campaign. In their overall prediction for who will win, they show Trump with a massive lead. On May 11, they had Trump winning with 55% to Biden’s 44%. They also predict Trump will win the election with 308 electors.

This is a significant shift from earlier predictions, which showed a much closer race. The change is likely due to Biden’s disastrous debate performance, which has led to increased pressure for him to drop out ahead of the DNC. The pressure is likely to be overwhelming if these polling predictions don’t improve in the coming weeks.

The Economist’s predictions for each swing state show Trump with a clear advantage. In Florida, Trump is predicted to win with 52% to Biden’s 47%. In Pennsylvania, Trump is predicted to win with 51% to Biden’s 48%. In Michigan, Trump is predicted to win with 50% to Biden’s 49%. In Wisconsin, Trump is predicted to win with 51% to Biden’s 48%. In North Carolina, Trump is predicted to win with 51% to Biden’s 48%. In Arizona, Trump is predicted to win with 51% to Biden’s 48%.

These predictions are a major blow to the Biden campaign, which has been struggling to gain momentum in recent weeks. The debate was seen as a chance for Biden to turn things around, but his poor performance has only added to his troubles.

The pressure is now on Biden to drop out of the race, as it is becoming increasingly clear that he cannot win. The DNC is facing a difficult decision, as they must choose between sticking with a candidate who is unlikely to win or finding a new candidate who can take on Trump.

In the meantime, Trump is continuing to campaign hard, focusing on the issues that matter most to voters. He is promising to create jobs, cut taxes, and secure the border. He is also highlighting Biden’s record of failure, pointing out that he has been in politics for nearly 50 years and has accomplished very little.

The race is far from over, but the latest predictions from The Economist show that Trump is in a strong position to win. He is leading in the polls, and he has the momentum on his side. The Biden campaign will need to make some major changes if they want to have any chance of winning in November.

Here is a summary of the latest predictions from The Economist:

* Trump is predicted to win with 55% to Biden’s 44%

* Trump is predicted to win with 308 electors

* Trump is predicted to win Florida with 52% to Biden’s 47%

* Trump is predicted to win Pennsylvania with 51% to Biden’s 48%

* Trump is predicted to win Michigan with 50% to Biden’s 49%

* Trump is predicted to win Wisconsin with 51% to Biden’s 48%

* Trump is predicted to win North Carolina with 51% to Biden’s 48%

* Trump is predicted to win Arizona with 51% to Biden’s 48%


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