Conservatives Outraged Over Child Drag Show in Dallas

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

A disturbing child drag show in Dallas, Texas, has sparked outrage and concern among conservatives. The event, hosted by Mr. Misster, a gay bar in Dallas, was captured on video and shared by Alex Stein, known for his culture jamming and comedic monologues.

The footage shows several drag queens dancing erotically in front of a neon sign that reads, "It's not gonna lick itself," while taking money out of children's hands. Some of the kids even got to strut the catwalk alongside the performers.

The video has been widely shared on social media, with many conservatives expressing shock and disgust at the sexualization of children. Some have called for the event to be investigated and for those responsible to be held accountable.

What's even more disturbing is that several policemen were present at the event, and all of them were perfectly content to allow children to enter a bar where they would be exposed to sexually explicit content. This raises serious questions about the role of law enforcement in protecting children from harm.

This incident is just the latest example of the growing trend of exposing children to sexually explicit content. Conservatives have long warned about the dangers of this trend, arguing that it is harmful to children and undermines traditional values.

The incident also highlights the need for greater parental involvement in their children's lives. Parents must be vigilant and aware of what their children are being exposed to, both online and in the real world.

In response to the incident, some conservatives have called for stricter laws and regulations to protect children from sexual exploitation. Others have argued that the solution lies in promoting traditional values and encouraging parents to take a more active role in their children's lives.

Whatever the solution, it is clear that this incident has struck a nerve among conservatives and sparked a much-needed conversation about the sexualization of children. It is a conversation that we must continue to have if we are to protect our children and preserve our traditional values.


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