Krugman Claims Inflation 'Beaten' - But Excludes Food, Energy, Housing

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

Biden's economic adviser, Paul Krugman, declares inflation "beaten" - but with a catch.

In a recent tweet, New York Times' Nobel Laureate economist Paul Krugman claimed that inflation looks beaten, attributing the recent spike to start-of-year price resets. However, Krugman's declaration of defeated inflation doesn't include food, energy, or housing - three of the most significant expenses for most people.

This statement has sparked criticism from many, including Physics Geek, who tweeted, "Why does anyone listen to this clown anymore except for giggles?" Another Twitter user, Joe, pointed out that taking out the three biggest expenses for most people, food, energy, and housing, and "whamo, inflation is whipped."

Krugman's declaration of defeated inflation comes as President Biden's economic policies, known as "Bidenomics," face scrutiny. The Left has been ramping up efforts to portray Bidenomics as a success, despite the President's dismal debate performance. However, Krugman's exclusion of food, energy, and housing from his analysis has left many questioning the validity of his claims.

Inflation has been a significant concern for many Americans, with the cost of living rising steadily over the past few years. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 8.6% in May 2022, the highest increase since December 1981. The rising cost of living has put a strain on many households, with some struggling to make ends meet.

Krugman's statement that inflation is beaten, but only if you exclude food, energy, and housing, has left many wondering what the real state of the economy is. While some may argue that Krugman's analysis is valid, others see it as a desperate attempt to paint a rosy picture of the economy.

In conclusion, while Krugman's declaration of defeated inflation may provide some comfort to those who support Bidenomics, it is essential to consider the full picture. Excluding food, energy, and housing from the analysis paints an incomplete picture of the state of the economy. As the cost of living continues to rise, it is crucial to have an honest and transparent discussion about the state of the economy and what can be done to address the challenges facing American households.


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