Biden's Claim of No Troop Deaths Debunked: 13 Killed in Afghanistan

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

President Biden's claim during the first presidential debate that no U.S. troops died under his administration has been debunked. Despite his assertion, 13 service members were killed in Afghanistan by a bombing at the Kabul airport in 2021.

During the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia, Biden stated, "When [Trump] was president, we were still -- find ourselves in where you had a notion that we were this safe country. The truth is, I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any this decade, any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did."

However, this statement is contradicted by the events of August 2021, when Islamic State militant Abdul Rahman al-Logari bombed the Abbey Gate at the Kabul airport. The bombing resulted in the deaths of 13 service members, including 11 Marines, and 170 Afghans. The incident occurred as U.S. troops were withdrawing from Afghanistan.

Former President Donald Trump later addressed the issue during the debate, stating, "We lost 13 beautiful soldiers, and 13 soldiers were obliterated. And by the way, we left people behind. We left American citizens behind."

This revelation raises questions about the accuracy of President Biden's statements and his understanding of the situation in Afghanistan. It also highlights the ongoing challenges faced by U.S. troops in the region, despite the administration's claims to the contrary.

As the presidential race continues, it is crucial for voters to have accurate information about the candidates' records and policies. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of fact-checking and holding political leaders accountable for their statements.


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