Sanders has ‘problem’ with Bloomberg ‘thinking he can buy the election’ -

Excerpts from article:

..."Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders said in an interview that will air later Tuesday that he had 'a real problem" with Mike Bloomberg spending hundreds of millions of his own money on his presidential bid.

...Sanders added that he had "a real problem with multibillionaires literally buying elections."

...Sanders got 25 percent of the vote among Democratic voters and independents who lean Democratic, while the former veep got 17 percent and Bloomberg got 15 percent - up from 8 percent in a Q poll on Jan. 28.

...Sen. Elizabeth Warren came in fourth at 14 percent, former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg got 10 percent and Sen. Amy Klobuchar earned 4 percent.

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Submitted 1601 days ago

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