Defunding Planned Parenthood: A Fight for Life

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 1 day ago

**Taxpayer Money for Planned Parenthood? Not on Our Watch!**

A new campaign led by the Southern Baptist Convention aims to put an end to taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider.

The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, has launched an initiative urging Congress to defund this controversial organization.

The petition highlights a staggering amount of taxpayer dollars—$700 million last year alone—being funneled to an entity that profits from the termination of unborn lives.

This funding, they argue, represents a profound misallocation of resources that contradicts the values of millions of pro-life Americans who find it morally unconscionable for their money to support the abortion industry.

Brent Leatherwood, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, stated, “For too long, promises made to the American people have been broken. We must put an end to this assault on the sanctity of life.”

As Congress engages in discussions over the federal budget, the timing is ripe for action.

With the Republican majority currently holding a tight grip in both the House and Senate, advocates for pro-life policies believe there is an unprecedented opportunity to finally follow through on Republican commitments.

Leatherwood pointed out that using the budget reconciliation process could enable GOP senators to pass a budget with a simple majority. This could pave the way for a definitive move to defund Planned Parenthood.

“The stars have aligned,” said Leatherwood. “With a Republican-controlled House, Republican-controlled Senate, and now a Republican in the White House, we have a unique moment to make this a reality.”

The campaign is backed by prominent leaders within the Southern Baptist Convention, including seminary presidents and pastors from across the country. As the petition circulates, it is expected to gain even more traction and signatures in the coming days.

This initiative is rooted in a commitment to uphold the sanctity of life—a value deeply embedded in Christian doctrine.

It underscores the belief that every individual is created in the image of God, and advocates call for protecting vulnerable preborn lives against practices that they view as predatory and destructive.

As the debate heats up in Washington, this campaign serves as a clarion call for pro-life supporters to make their voices heard.

Now, more than ever, it is crucial for constituents to engage with their elected representatives and ensure that the sanctity of life remains a top priority in our nation's policy decisions.

It’s time for Congress to heed the call and act decisively in the defense of life.


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