Kamala Harris Fails Women, Ignoring Border Crisis Realities

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 9 days ago

Facing serious accusations of hypocrisy, Vice President Kamala Harris is under fire for her apparent disregard for the plight of women and children on the southern border, despite her claims of representing all women.

Republican Florida Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna sharply criticized Harris for “turning a blind eye” to the rampant abuse—namely rape, trafficking, and torture—afflicting vulnerable migrants.

In a recent appearance on "The Ingraham Angle," Luna highlighted Harris' failure to address the heartbreaking realities on the border, stating that her promises to advocate for women have proved empty.

Luna, herself a minority woman, expressed dismay over Harris' inaction, calling it a “betrayal” and suggesting that, if she were genuinely concerned, she could have implemented solutions during her time as “border czar.”

“Kamala Harris had an opportunity to really help, yet she has no answers,” Luna remarked, pointing to the pressing need for stricter immigration policies.

The congresswoman pushed back against the Democratic plan to further relax immigration controls, advocating instead for immediate measures to halt the flood of unvetted and potentially dangerous migrants crossing into the United States.

“We need to shut it down and get our illegal immigration in check,” she asserted, drawing a line in the sand on what should be the country’s immediate focus—first and foremost: the safety and security of American citizens and immigrants alike.

Luna's comments come at a critical moment as Harris aims to position herself as a leader addressing the border crisis. Critics in her party note that while she once labeled President Trump’s border wall as “un-American” and a “vanity project,” her campaign recently highlighted a renewed commitment to bolster border security through bipartisan support for a new funding measure that includes the wall’s expansion.

As Harris seeks to elevate her political stature and potentially become the first female U.S. president, questions linger on whether her policies will genuinely prioritize the safety of women and children at the border or merely serve as fodder for her political ambitions.

The contrast between the Republican stance on border security and the Democrats’ perceived inaction is growing starker.

As the nation gears up for the upcoming election, it is clear that issues of immigration and women's safety will be pivotal in shaping the discourse ahead.


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