Walz’s COVID Ties to Chinese Lab Alarm Voters

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 9 days ago

**Alarming Connections: Walz Funded Research Tied to Chinese Lab Behind COVID-19**

In an unsettling revelation, it has come to light that Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, during his time in Congress, actively worked to secure significant funding for a research center with questionable ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology—the lab now widely regarded as the possible genesis of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Walz, who currently serves as the governor of Minnesota, earmarked a staggering $7 million for the Hormel Institute in Austin, Minnesota. This research facility has been involved in multiple projects with the Wuhan lab, including collaborative research efforts on the COVID virus itself as recently as 2020.

Critics are raising serious concerns about Walz’s judgment in supporting such connections. The Wuhan Institute, under the direct auspices of the Chinese Communist Party, has a history of conducting classified research, and many believe it is responsible for the catastrophic global impact of COVID-19.

During a visit to the Hormel Institute last April, Walz praised its biomedical research, neglecting to address its ties with an institute that raises eyebrows across the political spectrum. The implications of these connections become more troubling in light of recent actions taken by the federal government, which has cut funding to EcoHealth Alliance due to its lack of oversight in projects related to COVID-19 research at the Wuhan lab.

Walz’s endorsement of the Hormel Institute is being scrutinized further by lawmakers, particularly as his connections to CCP-affiliated organizations come into focus. In a recent correspondence, House Oversight Chairman James Comer pointed out that Walz’s extensive ties to entities linked with the Communist regime should be worrisome for voters.

Furthermore, Walz's history of attending events organized by nonprofits associated with Chinese intelligence raises questions about his understanding of national security and foreign influence.

Despite the serious implications of his actions, Walz continues to advocate for further funding and collaboration with these controversial research entities, a move that could undermine American interests at a crucial time.

As the 2024 election approaches, the implications of Walz's connections cannot be overlooked. Voters deserve transparency and accountability from candidates regarding their ties to foreign entities, especially those tied to a regime known for its disregard for international norms and human rights.

With the stakes this high, it is imperative that American voters remain informed and vigilant in the pursuit of leaders who put national interests first—rather than furthering risky associations with entities whose track records are marred by controversy and secrecy.


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