Biden's Policies Drive American Jobs to Foreign Workers

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 9 days ago

**Collapse: American Jobs Under Siege as Foreign Workers Take Over**

The latest jobs report exposes a troubling reality for American workers, revealing that over a million native-born citizens have lost their jobs in the past year, while foreign-born workers have surged onto the job scene.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. economy experienced a modest addition of 142,000 new jobs in August, but this surface-level optimism masks a grim truth.

While the unemployment rate sits at 4.2%, it's clear that President Biden's administration is presiding over job losses for American citizens.

In a stark contrast, over the last year, approximately 1.32 million native-born Americans have exited the labor force, while 1.24 million foreign workers have found employment—in essence, reinforcing the narrative that Biden's policies are prioritizing foreign labor at the expense of American jobs.

Former President Donald Trump responded forcefully to these revelations, stating, "You had numbers that are shocking. Native-born Americans lost 1.3 million jobs while foreign-born Americans were able to take all of those jobs." His assertion that illegal immigration is a major factor in job losses for U.S. citizens has gained renewed traction as evidence mounts.

The trend is alarmingly clear: the jobs being created under the Biden administration predominantly favor foreign workers, raising questions about whether the needs of American families are being sidelined.

Republican Senator Mike Lee articulated the distress felt by American families, highlighting that “illegal immigration drives down the wages and jobs of American citizens, pushing out struggling families.”

These patterns paint a bleak picture of the current economic landscape. Employment among foreign-born workers has risen significantly since before the pandemic.

Conversely, jobs for native-born Americans have seen a marked decline.

The disparity in employment growth begs a critical inquiry into the Biden-Harris administration's immigration and labor policies.

Critics argue that the administration's approach has created an economy where foreign workers are thriving, while millions of American citizens are falling further behind.

As the labor market evolves, the implications of these trends extend beyond economic figures—they speak volumes about the prioritization of policies that appear to overlook the needs of American families.

In light of these alarming statistics, it will be imperative for lawmakers to reconsider strategies that ensure the American workforce is put first.

American workers deserve an economy that lifts them up, not one that marginalizes their contributions.

The situation calls for immediate attention, as the Biden-Harris administration faces increasing scrutiny over a strategy that many now view as fundamentally flawed.


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