Trump Warns: Immigration Crisis Looms Under Democrats

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 10 days ago

**Alarmingly Predictive: Trump Sounds the Alarm on Looming Immigration Crisis**

During a recent town hall event on Fox News’ “Hannity,” former President Donald Trump raised a startling prediction regarding the potential consequences of a Democratic victory in the upcoming 2024 election.

Trump asserted that if Vice President Kamala Harris were to become president, the United States could face an unprecedented surge of illegal immigration, warning that up to 100 million individuals might enter the country.

“The current state of our borders has already seen an influx of 20 million people, and we cannot allow the situation to worsen,” Trump cautioned, emphasizing the seriousness of the current immigration crisis.

He pointed out that many of those entering the U.S. are not just from South America but from across the globe, including individuals released from prisons and those with criminal backgrounds.

“Countless criminals from all over the world are coming into our country. They’re being let in at levels we have never seen before,” Trump stated.

Highlighting his belief that many nations are “emptying out their prisons and mental institutions,” Trump depicted a grim picture of the current immigration landscape. He stressed that under a Democratic administration, Americans would not only face security threats but also significant strain on social services.

According to Trump, “If they win, you won't have Social Security. You won't have Medicare. You will lose what you already have.”

He reiterated his concerns about the impact of illegal immigration on federal programs, warning that the influx would burden resources intended for American citizens.

Trump concluded with a strong message of determination: “We cannot let this happen. We must protect our country.”

As the 2024 election draws nearer, Trump's remarks resonate with voters concerned about immigration policy and national security, framing the election as a critical turning point for the future of the United States.


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