Censorship Unveiled: Guns Save Lives, Not Crime

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 10 days ago

**Silenced by Censorship: The Hidden Truth About Guns and Crime**

In an alarming trend, the federal government has worked tirelessly to suppress vital data showing that good, law-abiding citizens with firearms are key defenders against crime.

Despite persistent claims from gun control advocates that armed civilians rarely stop mass shooting events, evidence to the contrary continues to surface, revealing a different reality.

A recent investigation highlights how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has targeted information related to defensive gun use, effectively removing critical estimates from its website.

This strange decision followed lobbying from individuals intent on curbing gun rights, characterizing legitimate defensive actions as disinformation.

The CDC had previously referenced a National Academies of Sciences report indicating that guns are used defensively between 64,000 and 3 million times annually.

However, that data has vanished. In its place, the CDC now remains silent, depriving the public and policymakers of crucial insights into the protective role of armed citizens.

Meanwhile, the FBI's own statistics reveal a troubling narrative that has been largely overlooked. Armed civilians were reportedly involved in stopping 180 out of 515 active shooting incidents from 2014 to 2023, accounting for a staggering 35% of cases.

This figure contrasts sharply with the FBI's publicly reported numbers, which claim only 14 instances where armed citizens intervened during active shooter situations.

Such discrepancies raise serious questions about the motivations behind the narrative pushed by federal agencies and the mainstream media regarding gun ownership and public safety.

Moreover, when evaluating data from jurisdictions that encourage lawful gun ownership, the statistics improve remarkably, showing that armed citizens stopped over half of all active shooter incidents during the same period.

The Biden administration's apparent attempt to downplay these successes not only misrepresents the facts but also undermines the essential rights of American citizens to protect themselves.

As calls for stricter gun control continue, it is crucial to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of responsible gun owners in safeguarding our communities.

The truth remains: good guys with guns are often the first line of defense against violence, and continued efforts to suppress this data can only serve to jeopardize public safety.


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