Biden's Green Agenda Threatens American Farmland and Farmers

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 14 days ago

**Seizure of American Farmland Under Biden's Green Agenda Sparks Outrage**

In a move that underscores the Biden administration's relentless push towards a globalist green agenda, American farmland is being seized as part of a controversial carbon dioxide pipeline initiative.

Farmers across five Midwestern states are feeling the brunt of this aggressive agenda, facing the very real prospect of losing their land to eminent domain seizures intended to facilitate the construction of massive CO2 pipelines.

These pipelines, set to transport compressed carbon dioxide for underground storage, are being justified under the guise of public good. However, many landowners are rightfully questioning whether this so-called public good comes at too high a price.

The Iowa Utilities Board, for instance, has approved a petition from Summit Carbon Solutions to construct one of the largest carbon dioxide pipelines in the nation. Yet, while the company boasts agreements with over 2,700 landowners, the sacrifice of family-owned farms raises alarms about the implications for property rights.

Proponents of this green initiative argue it is necessary to reduce carbon intensity in ethanol production. They assert that the move is essential for combating climate change, despite mounting evidence that questions the efficacy of such measures.

Critics of the pipeline project highlight the dubious connection between carbon dioxide capture and tangible climate benefits. Proponents are pushing to make ethanol a sustainable aviation fuel through this carbon capture process, but as of now, there is scarce evidence that it will effectively impact global temperatures or lead to significant environmental improvements.

Moreover, many existing carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities worldwide are not financially viable without substantial taxpayer support. The Quest CCS project in Canada serves as a prime example, showcasing the pitfalls of relying on taxpayer-funded subsidies to propel green initiatives that lack real-world effectiveness.

The potential risks posed to local communities also cannot be ignored. Previous accidents, such as a CO2 pipeline rupture in Mississippi that forced hundreds to evacuate and left dozens hospitalized, paint a troubling picture of what could happen if these pipelines become operational.

As frustration mounts among farmers and landowners who feel their rights are being trampled, Republican lawmakers are rising to defend those impacted by this administration’s overreach.

Public statements reinforce the commitment to property rights and the protection of American farmland from federal overreach. The sentiment is clear: the prioritization of a global green agenda at the cost of American livelihoods is unacceptable.

It remains to be seen how this will unfold as opposition to the pipeline projects grows, but one thing is certain: the fight for the future of America's farmland is just beginning.


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