Alarming Study Raises Questions About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 14 days ago

COVID-19 vaccines, once heralded as saviors in the pandemic, are now facing growing scrutiny as more studies reveal alarming trends regarding their safety and long-term effects.

A recent peer-reviewed study from Ohio State University has ignited concern by showing that individuals who received mRNA vaccinations for COVID-19 face significantly higher mortality rates compared to their unvaccinated counterparts.

In fact, the study indicates that the mortality risk for vaccinated individuals infected with COVID-19 nearly doubles, raising questions about the effectiveness and safety of these vaccines.

The researchers discovered that among COVID-19 patients, mortality rates were 70% for vaccinated individuals, compared to 37% for those who did not receive the shots.

These findings support claims made by experts like Dr. David Martin, who boldly asserted in a recent high-profile interview that the costs associated with these vaccines, in terms of health outcomes, far outweigh their benefits.

Dr. Martin stressed that the adverse effects linked to the vaccines, including enhanced risks for severe health complications such as heart failure and autoimmune diseases, have led to an increased death toll.

His remarks echo Martin’s assertion that the vaccines have killed more individuals than they have saved, a statement that continues to gain traction as public awareness grows.

Adding to the mounting evidence, lawmakers in the Philippines are investigating a staggering spike in deaths among the vaccinated population, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability regarding vaccine safety.

With over 37,000 medical professionals endorsing “The Hope Accord,” a declaration calling for an immediate ban on mRNA vaccines, the voices of concern are becoming increasingly unified and loud.

These professionals argue that the rollout of these vaccines has exposed the public, especially the young and healthy, to unacceptable risks of harm.

Given this developing situation, it is crucial for both doctors and policymakers to reassess their positions and maintain a commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the public.

As new evidence continues to emerge, the debate over the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines is likely to intensify, further complicating the narrative surrounding public health and pandemic response measures.


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