Biden-Harris Regime Attacks Trump for Honoring Heroes

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 15 days ago

**Hypocrisy Exposed: Biden-Harris Regime Attacks Trump for Honoring Fallen Heroes**

In a glaring display of hypocrisy, the Biden-Harris administration has once again launched a smear campaign against Donald Trump, this time regarding his visit to Arlington Cemetery.

Trump, who was invited by families of fallen troops, visited Section 60—a poignant area dedicated to those who lost their lives during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal orchestrated under Biden's watch.

During his visit, Trump was asked to take photos with grieving families, a request he honored with grace and dignity.

However, critics on the left, joined by an eager mainstream media, attempted to twist this heartfelt gesture into something sinister.

Jack Posobiec, a prominent commentator, condemned these attacks during his recent broadcast of *Human Events Daily*, highlighting the glaring double standard at play.

He pointed out that Biden himself had previously used a similar visit to Arlington for political gain, featuring footage in a political ad during his campaign.

Yet, there was a deafening silence from the media and the Army when Biden did so.

Posobiec's scathing remarks cut through the fog of disinformation.

He asserted that the vitriol against Trump stems from the left’s discomfort with their own failures in handling the Afghanistan exit—a catastrophe that resulted in the deaths of 13 American servicemen.

"The only person in this entire country who's trying to do something about that is Donald J. Trump," Posobiec stated emphatically, condemning those who criticize without having shown up to support the grieving families.

He challenged the critics: "None of you people who are complaining were there with those families. You’re sitting there, looking at your watches."

With just months left until the election, the Biden-Harris administration appears to be scrambling to deflect responsibility for their failures, opting instead to vilify a man who continues to honor those who sacrificed for their country.

In doing so, they reveal their desperation and the lengths they will go to distract from their mismanagement.

As midterm elections approach, it is clear that the Biden-Harris regime will stop at nothing to undermine Trump's character, all while failing to accept accountability for their own actions.

This fundamentally shows how political operatives mismanage their responsibilities while projecting an image of righteousness.

In this moral landscape, one thing remains clear: the American people are watching.


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