Immigration Policies Hurt American Workers and Wages

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 16 days ago

**Devastating Immigration Policies Undermine Working American Lives**

In a stark reflection of the challenges facing American workers today, an opinion piece from a DoorDash driver highlights the severe impact of illegal immigration on the job market and wages for hard-working citizens.

Ruby Nicole Day, a 41-year-old mother from South Lebanon, Ohio, laments that undocumented immigrants are flooding the job market, driving down wages and making it nearly impossible for American workers to compete effectively.

With the steep rise in living costs, including gas and food, Ruby and her fellow workers are not asking for handouts; they seek fair employment opportunities. Yet, the current immigration system appears to favor paving the way for illegal immigrants into low-wage sectors, rather than protecting the interests of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet.

The crux of the issue lies in the lack of stringent verification processes for employers that would ensure only eligible workers can take up jobs. Ruby points out that tools like E-Verify should be mandatory and enforced to prevent fraudulent credentials from undermining American labor. Instead, the lack of accountability in the hiring process allows undocumented immigrants to siphon jobs away from those who pay taxes and contribute to their communities.

Ruby’s story isn’t an isolated incident. Many Americans voice concerns that the influx of illegal labor has made jobs in sectors like delivery and cleaning far less lucrative. Her income has significantly dropped—from $100 a day to $60—just because competition from those willing to work for less has increased.

As Democrats continue to tout policies that create open borders, it raises questions about their commitment to the working-class voters they claim to represent. The message is clear: the current administration's negligence on immigration reform directly harms American families who are already feeling the brunt of economic hardship.

In contrast, Republicans are calling for stricter immigration control and a return to policies that prioritize American employment and wages. Leaders in the GOP have long argued that protecting jobs for American workers is essential, emphasizing that a robust immigration system should first and foremost serve the interests of its citizens.

For everyday Americans scraping by, the burden of an unregulated influx of immigrant labor adds yet another layer of difficulty to an already challenging economic landscape. The question remains: when will political leaders prioritize the voices of struggling workers over political correctness and ideology?

Working-class Americans like Ruby deserve to be heard. They need solutions that genuinely address their daily struggles—policies that protect jobs, strengthen wages, and fortify the middle class, rather than those that simply cater to the whims of open-border advocates.

It’s time to reaffirm the notion that the prosperity of American workers should take precedence in any thoughtful discussion on immigration reform. As such, it’s imperative that conservative voices continue to push for change that respects the hard work and dedication of Americans who keep this country moving forward.


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