Kamala Harris's EV Mandate Flip-Flop Raises Serious Questions

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 16 days ago


Vice President Kamala Harris, long an advocate for electric vehicle (EV) mandates, now claims to oppose them in a surprising twist that raises eyebrows and questions her integrity.

This about-face comes as Harris attempts to bolster her presidential campaign, demonstrating a blatant disregard for the principles she once championed.

Her recent campaign email assures supporters she does “not support” electric vehicle mandates, a stark contradiction to her previous endorsements during her time as a senator and her tenure as vice president.

Harris originally co-sponsored the Zero-Emissions Vehicle Act of 2019, which aimed to see all car manufacturers sell only zero-emission vehicles by 2040.

Additionally, she has publicly backed President Biden's radical plan to require that a majority of new cars produced and sold be EVs or hybrids by 2032.

The U.S. Oil & Gas Association criticized her sudden change of heart, pointing out the potential harm her previous policies could inflict on the American auto industry.

Notably, a recent poll revealed that a significant majority of registered voters—72%—oppose the Biden-Harris EV mandate.

This includes 57% of Democrats and a striking 83% of Republicans.

Many industry experts warn that these mandates could lead to the loss of millions of American jobs, including those held by United Auto Workers (UAW) members.

Former President Donald Trump has vowed to eliminate the mandates if re-elected, highlighting the economic risks they pose.

He stated, “We will end the Electric Vehicle mandate on day one—thereby saving the U.S. auto industry from complete obliteration.”

Harris’s flip-flopping on EV issues raises critical questions about her commitment to the working American and the real-world implications of her policies.

As she attempts to rebrand herself for voters, one must wonder if her newfound stance reflects a genuine understanding of the concerns facing American families or merely a political maneuver in a desperate time.


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