DNC Exposed: Biden's Lies and Economic Deception Uncovered

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 16 days ago

**Deception Unveiled: The DNC's Web of Lies Exposed**

In a stunning revelation, Drew Holden has meticulously fact-checked the disturbing patterns of dishonesty that emerged from the recent Democratic National Convention. His incisive thread dismantles several claims made by President Biden, highlighting the disconnect between Democratic rhetoric and reality.

Holden's investigation shines a light on Biden’s infamous assertion about creating "60 million new jobs," which, while perhaps an ambitious aim, is fundamentally inflated and misleading. In truth, the recent Labor Department revisions paint a different picture, with the actual figures far below what Biden would have the public believe.

Perhaps one of the most egregious falsehoods from the convention was Biden's insistence that he had "rebuilt the middle class." Many Americans are feeling the sting of inflation and economic instability, a stark contrast to the rosy picture painted by the administration.

Holden also dismantles the claim that "inflation is down, way down," reminding readers that while the numbers may have fluctuated since the unprecedented highs fueled by Biden's policies, they still remain significantly higher compared to the last administration. This highlights a clear disconnect between Biden's declarations and the everyday realities faced by working-class Americans.

Additionally, Holden challenged Biden's assertion that "seniors would go from paying $400 a month for insulin down to $35." A crucial detail overlooked by many is that $400 was the *annual* cost, not a monthly figure, revealing a glaring inconsistency that many in the media seem eager to overlook.

Holden's thread does not stop there. He points out Biden’s claims about providing high-speed internet for all, which have yet to manifest for millions of Americans who still lack reliable access. The President's environmental promises are equally dubious, as he touts ambitious carbon reduction goals while the country remains off-track.

In a subsequent critique, former Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka weighed in on the character of the Democratic Party, describing it as a "cult" that would support any candidate simply because they affiliate with the party. His remarks exemplify a growing sentiment among Republicans that the Democrats have lost their ideological grounding—choosing party loyalty over principles.

This climate of deception is now evident, not just in Biden's words, but across the Democratic establishment. It raises a critical question: how can American voters trust a party that operates on a foundation of false narratives and broken promises?

As the election year approaches, it is essential for voters to sift through the rhetoric and discern the truth. With the DNC's fabrications laid bare by watchdogs like Holden, the path forward is clear: hold elected officials accountable for their words and actions.


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