DOJ Attorney Exposes FDA's Ivermectin Abuse of Power

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 16 days ago


In a shocking revelation, a Department of Justice attorney has admitted on undercover camera that the government’s campaign against the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 was not just misguided, but an outright abuse of authority.

This admission raises serious questions about the regulatory powers of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and their role in healthcare decisions.

The DOJ lawyer highlighted that making medical recommendations falls outside the FDA's purview, stating, "They really shouldn’t be saying, ‘Don’t take this drug.’”

Such statements directly challenge the FDA's recent public health guidance, which aggressively dissuaded Americans from using ivermectin, infamously claiming, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

The fallout from this admission affects not only the reputation of the FDA but also jeopardizes trust between the government and the citizens it serves.

The attorney’s comments surfaced in light of a legal victory achieved by a group of doctors who challenged the FDA’s prior recommendations.

This victory underscores the importance of the right to choose one’s own treatment options and raises alarms about government overreach into personal health matters.

As citizens continue to grapple with the impact of COVID-19 and the responses that followed, this revelation shines a light on the need for transparency and accountability in government actions.

The attorney also noted that the FDA has often used social media and public statements to further a broader agenda, a practice that warrants scrutiny.

The implications of this admission could be profound, potentially reshaping the landscape of public health regulation and the trust that Americans place in their government.

With this newly discovered information, Americans are encouraged to question the motivations behind governmental health guidelines and advocate for transparency in public health messaging.

The attorney concluded by acknowledging the actions of the FDA as "unquestionably beyond its authority," a statement that calls into question the integrity and intentions of the agency.

As the public grapples with these revelations, the need for open dialogue on medical autonomy and government authority has never been more critical.


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