Liberal Media Turns on Kamala Harris Amid Crises

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 16 days ago


The New York Times, a stalwart bastion of liberal politics, has unexpectedly shifted gears regarding the Biden administration, particularly Vice President Kamala Harris.

In a surprising turn of events, the paper of record has begun publishing op-eds that openly critique Harris's political effectiveness, even going so far as to question her suitability as a candidate for the presidency.

One recent op-ed, titled “Joy is Not a Strategy,” highlights Harris’s failure to present a coherent policy agenda amid mounting economic challenges facing American families.

The op-ed's author, Deputy Opinion Editor Patrick Healy, pointedly criticized Harris for not taking actionable steps to address the concerns of voters in critical swing states.

Healy's remarks follow growing evidence that Harris is one of the most unpopular vice presidents in American history.

This sentiment was echoed during a recent appearance by former Biden spokesperson Jen Psaki on CNN.

There, anchor Don Lemon noted that no one in the swing states he visited could identify who Kamala Harris is, signaling a troubling gap in voter recognition and support.

As the media tries to rally around Harris, it's becoming increasingly clear that keeping her tied to Biden's failing policies is a significant liability.

In another eye-opening development, the Times published a guest essay by conservative commentator Rich Lowry that boldly asserted, “Trump can win on character.”

Lowry characterized Harris as “weak and phony,” underscoring concerns that the American public does not view her as genuinely invested in the middle class's economic challenges.

The Times' vocal discontent may signify that even liberal outlets are beginning to recognize the mounting pressures facing the Democrats as the 2024 election approaches.

In a political landscape where every move is scrutinized, Kamala Harris's standing seems to be plummeting—an alarming trend for a party that hoped to capitalize on the vice president's perceived appeal.

With the election on the horizon, it appears that mainstream media is grappling with the ramifications of an administration losing its grip—something that could spell trouble not just for the Democrats but for the national narrative as we know it.


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