Ramaswamy's Victory Lap: Biden's Fitness for Office Questioned

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican candidate, is taking a victory lap over the growing speculation that Joe Biden may not be the Democratic nominee in the upcoming election. Ramaswamy has been vocal about his belief that Biden would not be the nominee, and he is now being proven right as more and more Democrats question whether Biden is fit to run again.

Ramaswamy is not the only Republican who has been sounding the alarm about Biden's age and mental fitness. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has also suggested that the Democrats may replace Biden with a younger, more vibrant candidate. And Nikki Haley, the only Trump challenger to carry a state in the primary, has frequently said that Biden would be unable to finish his term.

The speculation about Biden's replacement has been fueled by his shaky performance in the recent debate. Biden struggled to answer questions and appeared confused at times, leading many to question whether he is up to the task of running for president again.

While Biden may still decide to run, the fact that his own party is questioning his fitness is a major blow to his campaign. And it is a victory for Republicans like Ramaswamy, who have been warning about Biden's age and mental fitness for months.

The debate over Biden's replacement is just the latest example of how the mainstream media and political elites have been caught off guard by the concerns of ordinary Americans. For years, conservatives have been warning about the dangers of the deep state and the corrupt media, and they have been proven right time and time again.

The mainstream media has been quick to dismiss these concerns as conspiracy theories, but the fact is that many of them have turned out to be true. The media's coverage of the Russia investigation, the origins of COVID-19, and the legal system's treatment of Donald Trump are just a few examples of how the media has been caught lying to the American people.

Now, with the debate over Biden's replacement, the media and political elites are once again being exposed for their dishonesty. They have been quick to dismiss the concerns about Biden's age and mental fitness, but the fact is that many Americans are worried about his ability to lead the country.

The debate over Biden's replacement is a reminder that the mainstream media and political elites cannot be trusted. They have been caught lying to the American people too many times, and it is time for them to be held accountable.

Here are some additional details about the debate over Biden's replacement:

* Biden's closest confidants have urged him to run again, but he has not yet made a decision.

* If Biden does not run, it is unclear who the Democrats would nominate in his place. Some possible candidates include Vice President Kamala Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and Senator Elizabeth Warren.

* The debate over Biden's replacement has been fueled by his poor performance in the recent debate. Biden struggled to answer questions and appeared confused at times, leading many to question his mental fitness.

* The mainstream media has been quick to dismiss the concerns about Biden's age and mental fitness, but the fact is that many Americans are worried about his ability to lead the country.

* The debate over Biden's replacement is a reminder that the mainstream media and political elites cannot be trusted. They have been caught lying to the American people too many times, and it is time for them to be held accountable.


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