Maher Urges Biden to Step Aside, Suggests Newsom for 2024

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 2 days ago

Bill Maher, the renowned comedian and political commentator, has called on President Joe Biden to step aside and allow a different Democrat to run for president in 2024. In an opinion piece, Maher argued that Biden's performance in the recent debate against former President Donald Trump was lackluster and that a fresh face would be more appealing to voters.

Maher suggested that California Governor Gavin Newsom would be a suitable replacement for Biden. He wrote, "But whether it's Mr. Newsom or someone else, we need to start talking about who the Democrats should put on the ballot in November. Anyone with a D by their name basically makes this race a tie. Being a fresh face who has spent less time in the spotlight equals 'America's less tired of you,' equals that extra percentage that would make for a winning ticket."

Maher's call for Biden to step aside comes after a debate in which Trump was widely seen as having the upper hand. Maher noted that Trump was "vigorous" while Biden was "vigorless." He also pointed out that Biden's age and declining cognitive abilities were becoming increasingly apparent.

Maher's criticism of Biden is noteworthy because he is a prominent figure in the entertainment industry and has a large following. His comments are likely to resonate with many Democrats who are concerned about Biden's ability to win re-election.

In recent months, there has been growing unease among Democrats about Biden's candidacy. Some have expressed concern that he is too old and out of touch with the younger generation. Others have pointed to his declining cognitive abilities as a reason why he should not run for re-election.

Despite the growing unease among Democrats, Biden has insisted that he will run for re-election. He has also received the backing of many prominent Democrats, including former President Barack Obama.

However, Maher's call for Biden to step aside is likely to add fuel to the fire and increase the pressure on Biden to reconsider his decision to run for re-election. It remains to be seen whether Biden will heed Maher's advice or whether he will continue to press ahead with his campaign.

In the meantime, the debate over Biden's candidacy is likely to continue to dominate the political landscape. Democrats will need to decide whether they want to stick with Biden or whether they want to find a new candidate to take on Trump in 2024.


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