Poll Shows Nearly Half of Voters Doubt Biden's Fitness for Second Term

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 8 days ago

Nearly half of voters say Biden not mentally fit for a second term, according to a recent I&I/TIPP Poll. The poll, taken from May 29-31, 2024, asked participants to rate President Biden's mental acuity and physical fitness on a school-style grading scale. The results were not favorable for the 81-year-old president.

47% of those who answered the poll gave Biden either D or F grades for his mental sharpness, while just 33% gave him A or B grades. The poll also found that 47% of voters gave Biden a D or an F for his physical fitness, while just 28% gave him an A or B.

The poll also asked participants how concerned they were about Biden's ability to handle national security issues if he is re-elected as president. 62% of participants responded that they were either "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned."

Perhaps most damning, however, was the response to a question about Biden's honesty regarding his involvement in his son Hunter Biden's business dealings. 48% of voters described Biden as either "not very honest" or "not at all honest" on this issue.

These results are not surprising, given the numerous public miscues and signs of age-related issues that Biden has displayed in recent weeks. From wandering away from the other G7 leaders at a recent meeting to putting his head on the ailing Pope Francis' head, Biden's mental faculties have been called into question by many.

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article based on interviews with 45 Democrats and Republicans who had met with Biden recently and found him mentally lacking. The article cited a number of recent public miscues on Biden's part that had raised concerns among voters.

Biden's ability to handle foreign affairs has also raised serious questions. From the disastrous exit from Afghanistan to his soft-pedaling of Iran's nuclear weapons program, many Americans are simply fed up with what they see as an enfeebled America on the world stage.

Coupled with Biden's clear trouble in convincing voters he has had little or nothing at all to do with son Hunter Biden's multimillion-dollar business dealings overseas, and the president may have an uphill battle in gaining a second term.

The I&I/TIPP Poll has a reputation for polling excellence, having been the most accurate pollster for the past five presidential elections. It is clear that voters have significant concerns about Biden's physical and mental health, as well as his basic honesty and integrity.

As the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen whether Biden will be able to overcome these concerns and secure a second term in office.


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