White House refers to illegal immigrants as 'newcomers'


Ahead of President Biden's visit to the U. S.-Mexico border on Thursday, the White House debuted a new term for illegal immigrants arriving in the country, calling them "newcomers."

Biden will travel to Brownsville, Texas, in an effort to reassure voters who have soured on his handling of the border crisis. Republicans have lambasted the Biden administration for weak enforcement of immigration laws, and a recent poll showed that just 26% of Americans approved of the president's job on immigration.

The language the White House used to describe the crisis may not alleviate voters' concerns. In a fact sheet distributed by the White House press office to advocate for the bipartisan border agreement Biden has endorsed, officials pointed out that the bill includes $1.4 billion "for cities and states who are providing critical services to newcomers."

The reference to illegal immigrants as "newcomers" — which suggests equal status to migrants who come to the U. S. legally — provoked a swift condemnation from House Republicans.

"The Biden White House is now referring to illegal immigrants as ‘newcomers.’ Joe Biden is not serious about stopping the illegal immigration into the United States. This is a catastrophe by design," the House GOP conference posted on X.

White House officials have shot back at their GOP critics several times in recent weeks, asserting that if Republican lawmakers were serious about securing the border, they would support the bipartisan legislation President Biden has endorsed.

The border bill negotiated in the Senate would increase Border Patrol staff and tighten asylum rules, expand law enforcement's authority to tackle fentanyl smuggling and increase funding to cities and states receiving asylum seekers.... (Read more)

Submitted 147 days ago

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