DC locals praise vaccine mandate and ID requirements while staying quiet on voter ID: 'It's brilliant'


Residents in the nation's capital told Fox News they are glad the city is ordering businesses to require proof of vaccination and an ID, while others said it feels "like a dictatorship."

"It took them long enough to do it," one D. C. resident, Bradley, told Fox News. He said he was looking forward to the mandates and that he is "glad that it's done."

Effective Jan. 15, D. C. required that all businesses such as restaurants, bars, movie theaters, coffee shops and gyms must require masks, proof of vaccination and a photo ID before entry.

"I always wondered about the authenticity of the card," Alix said. "I don't understand why people would not want some form of identification."

But another local, Emre, told Fox News: "From the general public's perspective, it kind of feels like an invasion toward their privacy. It feels almost like a dictatorship where you're supposed to show where you're going."

Jeff told Fox News that requiring an ID is pushing it. He also worried about how he would be i... (Read more)

Submitted 840 days ago

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