Bill Cassidy favors cognitive tests for aging leaders of government: 'A reasonable plan'


Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., told Axios that he favored cognitive tests for aging government leaders in order to make sure their ability to serve the American people remained intact.

On Sunday's "Axios on HBO," Cassidy cited past U. S. Senators he said were senile by the end of their times in office to argue a cognitive test applying across all three branches of government would be "a reasonable plan."

"The Speaker of the House is 81. Wisdom comes with age, but the science is also clear that we aren't who we were, that we do lose things with age. As a medical professional, is that something we should be thinking about?" Axios' Mike Allen asked.

"Of course," said Cassidy, a medical doctor.

Allen asked Cassidy what concerns he had over the fact that medicine allowed government leaders to live longer and lead the country at increasing ages.

"I'll just speak in general, not to the particular. At some point, and statistically it's in the 80s, you begin a more rapid decline. It's usually noticeable. So, anybody in a position of responsibility, who may potentially be on that slope, that is of ... (Read more)

Submitted 914 days ago

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