‘They Do Not Understand’: MSNBC Host Wants White Women ‘Held Accountable’ For Restrictive Abortion Laws


MSNBC host Tiffany Cross argued Saturday that white women should be held responsible for laws restricting access to abortion.

During a regular segment on her show titled “Make It Make Sense,” Cross argued that white women who voted for Republicans were responsible at least in part for laws that limited abortion access like Texas’ recent heartbeat bill.

Cross began the segment with a video question submitted by a fan who asked, “My question is, do these people that are making these laws understand what they have done to generations of people?”

The woman then described her own experience, which included illegal abortions that had left her unable to have children of her own.

“No, absolutely. They do not understand. And by ‘they’ I mean the men. The men who hold legislative power to pass these ridiculous abortion laws as if they have an iota of a clue exactly what’s best for women,” Cross began, pivoting then to address the women who voted for Repub... (Read more)

Submitted 934 days ago

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